Monday, October 1, 2012

Hero Workout

Three Rounds for time of:
95 pound Clean, 30 reps ( I used 45lbs because I just started I think the weight for woman was 55 or 60)
30 Pull-ups ( I had to use the bands )
Run 800 meters
My time was 52min! This was one of the hardest workout I have done the squat cleans and the pull-ups are probably my two weakest moves anyway!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Crossfit my new love


W.O.D 9/28/2012

Ring Dip1 min AMRAP (I did 18 with bands)

AMRAP 9 min

KTE (knees to elbows) 10
Kettle ball swings 20  = 1 round

I completed 11 rounds and I was 4 kettle ball swings away from12 rounds!

Monday, September 24, 2012

W.O.D 9/24/2012 7am

Today I found my one rep max which was 145lbs hopefully next time I do this it will be alittle more ;)
AMRAP (as many reps or rounds as possible) Time limit 7 min

  • Wall Balls 10 reps 12lbs ball
  • Box jumps 10 reps (the boxs were really high excpecially becuase I'm short -_- )
I think I finished three rounds and started my fourth or I might have finished four rounds and was going on five?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Do you know your blood type?

Maybe you could figure it out by reading this??

Since we're on this subject.... when was the last time you donated your blood?

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Knocking on Deaths door's......

After a year at a senior living facility as a CNA and CRMA my thoughts on death has changed constantly. Seeing the different stages of deaths, various reasons for death and all the different family dynamics can be a real eye opener. Being the one to medicate the resident and seeing the differences between a comfortable death and one that wasn't medicated for comfort lead me to feel that keeping the person as comfortable as possible would be best. This isn't always possible, for example I had a resident who fell out of bed and broke a hip, this hip fracture advanced infection and with leukemia couldn't fight it off and went into active dying, even with the scheduled and PRN Morphine and Ativan this resident was very uncomfortable. Even the easy tasks of cleaning and changing briefs turned into excruciating pain for this poor man. Finally with death knocking, Hospice increased the morphine and gave a big boost of Atropine to clear the lungs finally this poor man was in peace and passed shortly after.

After seeing this I knew my views of Comfort meds changed I knew people who think that giving these meds shorten the life of an actively dyeing person (which it may) but to me I would rather see someone not have to suffer especially during their last moments on this earth.  

Click this link
Watching a patient Die...... ;,(
What are your emotions when watching a patient/resident pass?
How does this affect your views on life?
Have you experienced this and how do you feel about it?
Is there cultural/religious views on death that doesn't allow comfort meds? Why?

Are runners drug addicts?

While studying for pharmacology I came upon a a paragraph about how drugs mimic natural endorphins in our body and the example given was how morphine is an example of a drug that binds to the specific receptors that our endogenous counterparts like endorphns and encphalin bind to. These two substances are the same drugs that are known to be involved in the "runners high"!! : O

Thursday, August 30, 2012

W.O.D 8/30/12

Today I wore my big girl panties at crossfit!!! haha meaning it was my first workout I did tht was with the regular class and i didnt have to scale anything back. But I have to say this was one of the hardest workouts I've done my legs felt like they where going to fall off!

For warm up we found our 6 rep max for a front squat this was 65lbs for me I think I could of done more but it really hurt my wrists so next time I need to tape them.


400m run
15 KTE (knees to elbows)
30 ball walls
3 min rest
my time was 32:40 :)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

15 Tips to become a great CNA

1)      Be confident in the tasks you do

2)      Be your patient/residents advocate; let the nurses know anything that you think needs to be reported

3)      Wash your hands all the time; when caring for sick people their immune system is compromised and microorganisms can harm them far more than they can us.

4)      Know your precautions forwards and backwards and know where the PPE is located in the facility

5)      Know your vital signs!! know what's in normal limits and what should be reported also know where you can find your pulses and know different ways to take a Temp.
Temperature, Pulse, Respiration's, Blood Pressure, Oxygen %, weight
6)      When providing personal care remember your patients dignity; this can be done with a sheet or towel when giving a shower or bed bath,

7)      Try not to make your patient feel as your rushing them, make them feel as though all your attention is on them even though you may be thinking of the resident whose being taken away by rescue in the next room over, your shift may be crazy but never let them know you are short handed this is never an excuse.

8)      If your patient needs to ambulate try using small steps like "lets walk to the end of the hallway then ill wheel chair you the rest of the way" .

9)      Communicating to the other staff about your patients condition if it has changed on your shift is critical

10)   Keeping the work areas clean and organized for the next shift is always a plus

11)   Keeping track on your patients nutrition

12)   Good body Mechanics this will save you in the long run.. don't just do it fast but do it smart; keeping the bed in the high position when doing any bedside care, using gait belts and always lift with your legs and butt and keep that back straight

13)   Stay educated; know your signs and symptoms of common diseases

14)   Trim those fingernail! Don't ever touch the toenails, but the fingernails can be a great place for bacteria can live

15)   Encouraging the residents/patients to participate in activities
There's probably so much I didn't mention, I find the biggest pet peeve of mine is not being confident because when you are not confident the patient feel unsafe and uncomfortable. If you are unsure always ask for help!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Check out this Article if your interested in Crossfit!!! If you have seen my blog you know I have just started and I love it! <3

Thursday, August 23, 2012

W.O.D 8/23/12


10 Burpees
20 shoulder press (first round I lifted 45lbs, last two I used 15 lbs)
30 kettle ball swings

time was 11 min 24 sec

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

New pharmacology book!!

Just got this in the mail today can't wait to start reading it!! Once I'm finished with this course I'll have credits towards my bachelors degree in nursing! treasury:-)  so know ilk have some more inspiration to put on my blog

ISBN: 978-0-323-05544-4

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Crossfit 8/21/12

Almost into my last week of crossfit and it’s going really good. Today I actually came home with energy and wasn’t sore even after I ran a mile and strength exercise!  

Today’s Warm up
400m run
Medical ball dead lifts
Double under ( jump rope  2 swings and one jump)
Kettle ball swings
Today’s W.O.D
3 RFT (reps for time)
400m run
15 sit ups
15 kettle ball swings

My time was 8min 31 sec :D

Thursday, August 16, 2012

W.O.D 8/16/12


10 wall throws + 10 Burpees
9 wall throws + 9 burpees
8 wall throws + 8 burpees
7 wall throws + 7 burpees
6 wall throws + 6 burpees
 well you get the point all the way to one of each... let me tell you that burpees are the hardest part of this workout!
at crossfit 321 your chest has to hit the floor when doing the burpee

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Nursing Crisis



Thrusters- I used a 15 pound barbell
Pull ups - I choose to do the jumping pull-up

So with Fran its all about improving yourself. Today My time I think was about 6 min 10 sec, I started off with 21 thrusters then 21 pull-ups then 15 thrusters 15 pull-ups to 9 thrusters to 9 pull-ups...whoa It was definitely a work-out and hopefully next time I can be my time. How has your Fran been for you?

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

What would you do?

What Would You Do? Test Yourself on This Ethical Dilemma

Take this simulated test and see how you compare to other colleagues when ethical decisions have to be made in the medical field.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Crossfit 321 W.O.D

Today was my first day at Crossfit!! It wasnt as bad today becuase it was alot of learning proper technique and different the language they use. (for instance W.O.D workout of the day) But even though it wasnt too bad I still left wth wobbly legs and weak arms haha.

So todays W.O.D

200 meter run
40 squats
30 push ups
20 sit ups
10 pull ups (had to use the rubber bands...for now)
200 meter run

this is all timed, my time was 6 min 15 sec :)

Monday, August 6, 2012

U.S. Pertussis Outbreak Could Be Worst in Half Century

U.S Pertussis Outbreak Could be the Worst In Half Century

The number of U.S. whooping cough cases has risen to around 18,000 in an outbreak that is on track to become the most severe in over a half century and could in part stem from possible waning vaccine protection!!
Check this out unbelievable

Stength.....Is what i'm gonna need!

Alright so tomorrow is my first crossfit class and I’m super nervous!!!! If anyone has any advice I could probably use it haha. So I heard from a friend that her co-worker does crossfit and they had her run a mile with a kettle bell between your legs. Omg stfu! (this can’t be good for your back) This is insane but if it puts me in shape then whatever -_- maybe I’l do like a before and after picture…. 

Sunday, August 5, 2012

My New NCLEX-RN 2012-2013

ISBN 978-1-60978-565-9

Just got this book today and vow to read it from cover to cover and study from it. I’ll let you know what I think.  Seeing as I have no more classes to take until I’m in the Nursing program I might as well get used to the material. Hopefully this can help prepare myself to the style of nursing questions and I can also use it as a study guide if I don’t know the answer

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A Nurse's Story

These are some quotes from the book that I liked:

“In life it’s not about doing the work you love, it’s about loving the work you do.”

“I’m your nurse and I’ll take good care of you. You don’t have anything to worry about because I will be with you all day. I will take care of all your needs and make sure that you’re comfortable.”

“When you come to work, leave yourself at the door. It’s probably the best advice, if you can do it.”

“This is war. This place is a war zone and this man’s body, our battlefield.”

“It is hopeless only if you see death as a failure, if you see death as the worst possible outcome. Many doctors see death as a personal failure, but nurses have the chance to make a valuable contribution in these cases. We can do everything we are able to do to save a patient, but then we have to let go and recognize our limitations”

“You don’t know what a nurse dose until you need one.”

“Florence Nightingale wrote about this, too. She said that the main thing a nurse could do was to put the patient in the best condition for nature to do the work of healing. She wrote about nutrition, fresh air, rest, light, cleanliness, privacy, a pleasing atmosphere, peacefulness, comfort, a cheerful environment.”

“Medicine is becoming a business, and if people choose medicine as a way to make money, they should go to the states because there, health care is a commodity for sale and you can shop around for the best product. Patients are customers and if you’re rich you get better health care than if you’re poor. In Canada, health care is a basic human right, a service that every human being deserves.”

Sunday, July 29, 2012

How To be proactive when wait listed for Nursing School

I have been on the wait list for 2 ½ years ahhh I know right!? But I have tried to stay as proactive as I can by getting my CNA and CRMA which has been a huge help! Watch the video to see what you can do to be proactive!!!

Beta Blockers

My Notes :
Beta Blocker = ending in lol
Beta Blockers Block the sympathetic nervous system which decreases the fight or flight reactions, flight or fight reactions include; increase B/P and HR, bronchodilation and increase in glucose.
Use Caution with all patients monitor and observe B/P and HR and determine if they are within the Parameters.
Use Caution with patients with Asthma when giving Beta Blocker it can result in Bronchoconstiction
Use Caution with patients with Diabetes when giving Beta blockers it can result in Decreased glucose

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Popular Nursing Interview Q:A's

I’ll break this interview down so it can be in a printable form
·         Wear nice clothing. (No scrubs!)

·         Have multiple copies of your resume handy

·         Body language, eye contact smile :D
·         10-15 seconds breakdown
o   Goals where you see yourself

o   What lead your interest in Nursing

§  How you got in to it, be sincere (sugar coat it J)
·         Problem solving skills

o   When your stressed out how do you relax; Read, exercise etc. (They want to hear healthy things.. )

o   When was a specific time when you did a good job as a nurse

§  Want specifics and what you did

§  Also want to hear about being a team player

·         Are you a life Nurse or are you thinking about switching careers?

§  They always want to hear you’re a lifer

·         know the Hospitals Moto or saying ! ;) and say it!
·         Never say you want to leave in the Future always mention that a job at this facility/Hospital would be a lifelong career choice
·         There’s always a process in any decision you make, to be sure that any decision you make is thorough.

When the interviewer ask if you have any questions for them
§  When would I start

§  After having this interview would I be a good candidate.. pros and cons




Seriousness of Sepsis slips through...!comment=1

Friday, July 27, 2012


Next week will be my first week doing Crossfit. Very excited to be part of a gym that is motivating and more personal. Walked in the other day all the people there looked so fit and in shape and so motivated hopefully that will be me soon :D

Coffee is good for you Again.... minus all that sugar ;)

Coffee the original Wonder Drug?? YESS!!

Mescape has the most intesting news in Health today!!

Great Pre Nursing Book

This is a great book, quick read and cheap. If your thinking about nursing or dont know what kind of nursing school you should apply to this will help you!!!

How to survive Nursing School

How to survive Nursing school! Seems Legit....

Any other opinions ?

First Post

This is my first post on my blog :D

I am currently on a wait list for a nursing program at the University of Maine at Augusta. I have finished all the pre courses to the program. I have been on the wait list for 2 ½ years!! L I love talking about nursing and learning anything I can about Nursing. I am a Certified Nursing Assistant and a Certified Residential Medication Aid at an assisted living facility. (I love my job!) I will be posting anything that pertains to health and maybe anything I want to share :)

I also have a pinterest that you can follow me at!