Friday, September 28, 2012

Crossfit my new love


W.O.D 9/28/2012

Ring Dip1 min AMRAP (I did 18 with bands)

AMRAP 9 min

KTE (knees to elbows) 10
Kettle ball swings 20  = 1 round

I completed 11 rounds and I was 4 kettle ball swings away from12 rounds!

Monday, September 24, 2012

W.O.D 9/24/2012 7am

Today I found my one rep max which was 145lbs hopefully next time I do this it will be alittle more ;)
AMRAP (as many reps or rounds as possible) Time limit 7 min

  • Wall Balls 10 reps 12lbs ball
  • Box jumps 10 reps (the boxs were really high excpecially becuase I'm short -_- )
I think I finished three rounds and started my fourth or I might have finished four rounds and was going on five?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Do you know your blood type?

Maybe you could figure it out by reading this??

Since we're on this subject.... when was the last time you donated your blood?

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Knocking on Deaths door's......

After a year at a senior living facility as a CNA and CRMA my thoughts on death has changed constantly. Seeing the different stages of deaths, various reasons for death and all the different family dynamics can be a real eye opener. Being the one to medicate the resident and seeing the differences between a comfortable death and one that wasn't medicated for comfort lead me to feel that keeping the person as comfortable as possible would be best. This isn't always possible, for example I had a resident who fell out of bed and broke a hip, this hip fracture advanced infection and with leukemia couldn't fight it off and went into active dying, even with the scheduled and PRN Morphine and Ativan this resident was very uncomfortable. Even the easy tasks of cleaning and changing briefs turned into excruciating pain for this poor man. Finally with death knocking, Hospice increased the morphine and gave a big boost of Atropine to clear the lungs finally this poor man was in peace and passed shortly after.

After seeing this I knew my views of Comfort meds changed I knew people who think that giving these meds shorten the life of an actively dyeing person (which it may) but to me I would rather see someone not have to suffer especially during their last moments on this earth.  

Click this link
Watching a patient Die...... ;,(
What are your emotions when watching a patient/resident pass?
How does this affect your views on life?
Have you experienced this and how do you feel about it?
Is there cultural/religious views on death that doesn't allow comfort meds? Why?

Are runners drug addicts?

While studying for pharmacology I came upon a a paragraph about how drugs mimic natural endorphins in our body and the example given was how morphine is an example of a drug that binds to the specific receptors that our endogenous counterparts like endorphns and encphalin bind to. These two substances are the same drugs that are known to be involved in the "runners high"!! : O