Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A Nurse's Story

These are some quotes from the book that I liked:

“In life it’s not about doing the work you love, it’s about loving the work you do.”

“I’m your nurse and I’ll take good care of you. You don’t have anything to worry about because I will be with you all day. I will take care of all your needs and make sure that you’re comfortable.”

“When you come to work, leave yourself at the door. It’s probably the best advice, if you can do it.”

“This is war. This place is a war zone and this man’s body, our battlefield.”

“It is hopeless only if you see death as a failure, if you see death as the worst possible outcome. Many doctors see death as a personal failure, but nurses have the chance to make a valuable contribution in these cases. We can do everything we are able to do to save a patient, but then we have to let go and recognize our limitations”

“You don’t know what a nurse dose until you need one.”

“Florence Nightingale wrote about this, too. She said that the main thing a nurse could do was to put the patient in the best condition for nature to do the work of healing. She wrote about nutrition, fresh air, rest, light, cleanliness, privacy, a pleasing atmosphere, peacefulness, comfort, a cheerful environment.”

“Medicine is becoming a business, and if people choose medicine as a way to make money, they should go to the states because there, health care is a commodity for sale and you can shop around for the best product. Patients are customers and if you’re rich you get better health care than if you’re poor. In Canada, health care is a basic human right, a service that every human being deserves.”

Sunday, July 29, 2012

How To be proactive when wait listed for Nursing School

I have been on the wait list for 2 ½ years ahhh I know right!? But I have tried to stay as proactive as I can by getting my CNA and CRMA which has been a huge help! Watch the video to see what you can do to be proactive!!!

Beta Blockers

My Notes :
Beta Blocker = ending in lol
Beta Blockers Block the sympathetic nervous system which decreases the fight or flight reactions, flight or fight reactions include; increase B/P and HR, bronchodilation and increase in glucose.
Use Caution with all patients monitor and observe B/P and HR and determine if they are within the Parameters.
Use Caution with patients with Asthma when giving Beta Blocker it can result in Bronchoconstiction
Use Caution with patients with Diabetes when giving Beta blockers it can result in Decreased glucose

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Popular Nursing Interview Q:A's

I’ll break this interview down so it can be in a printable form
·         Wear nice clothing. (No scrubs!)

·         Have multiple copies of your resume handy

·         Body language, eye contact smile :D
·         10-15 seconds breakdown
o   Goals where you see yourself

o   What lead your interest in Nursing

§  How you got in to it, be sincere (sugar coat it J)
·         Problem solving skills

o   When your stressed out how do you relax; Read, exercise etc. (They want to hear healthy things.. )

o   When was a specific time when you did a good job as a nurse

§  Want specifics and what you did

§  Also want to hear about being a team player

·         Are you a life Nurse or are you thinking about switching careers?

§  They always want to hear you’re a lifer

·         know the Hospitals Moto or saying ! ;) and say it!
·         Never say you want to leave in the Future always mention that a job at this facility/Hospital would be a lifelong career choice
·         There’s always a process in any decision you make, to be sure that any decision you make is thorough.

When the interviewer ask if you have any questions for them
§  When would I start

§  After having this interview would I be a good candidate.. pros and cons




Seriousness of Sepsis slips through...


Friday, July 27, 2012


Next week will be my first week doing Crossfit. Very excited to be part of a gym that is motivating and more personal. Walked in the other day all the people there looked so fit and in shape and so motivated hopefully that will be me soon :D

Coffee is good for you Again.... minus all that sugar ;)


Coffee the original Wonder Drug?? YESS!!

Mescape has the most intesting news in Health today!!

Great Pre Nursing Book

This is a great book, quick read and cheap. If your thinking about nursing or dont know what kind of nursing school you should apply to this will help you!!!

How to survive Nursing School

How to survive Nursing school! Seems Legit....

Any other opinions ?

First Post

This is my first post on my blog :D

I am currently on a wait list for a nursing program at the University of Maine at Augusta. I have finished all the pre courses to the program. I have been on the wait list for 2 ½ years!! L I love talking about nursing and learning anything I can about Nursing. I am a Certified Nursing Assistant and a Certified Residential Medication Aid at an assisted living facility. (I love my job!) I will be posting anything that pertains to health and maybe anything I want to share :)

I also have a pinterest that you can follow me at!